City council to vote on honorary council position

Published 8:12 am Saturday, July 21, 2018

The Austin City Council approved a motion to place voting on a proposed honorary council position on the agenda for its next meeting during its work session Monday evening.

The honorary council position was proposed by the Austin Human Rights Commission in its strategic welcoming plan as a means to “empower multicultural leadership” by giving them exposure to how the city government works as part of the Journey for Growth project. The AHRC made the recommendation after finding that a small number of leaders are relied upon for virtually everything within newcomer communities and that some communities are discouraged when they don’t see anyone who looks like them in city or county leadership positions.

Under the proposal, an applicant would be appointed to a three-month term after a recommendation by the mayor and approval by the council. Eligible applicants must be at least 21 years of age and a resident of Austin for 30 or more days prior to the appointment.

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The appointed individual would receive all correspondence directed to the council (except that which is deemed “privileged”) and would participate in discussions at council meetings. The position, however, does not allow for the ability to make motions or vote, nor will the appointed individual receive any financial compensation.

The AHRC and council hope the position will not only allow for a better understanding of the city government among multicultural communities, but also “better bring their perspectives to the decision making table, increase the likelihood they may choose to serve on a board or commission and even run for elective office.”

City Administrator Craig Clark also requested $7,000 from the contingency fund to make improvements to the council dais, including electrical work, to accommodate the proposed honorary council position; however, per the suggestion of Councilman Jeff Austin, the council decided to hold off on dais work until they had a better idea about what kind of interest and participation the position would bring.

The council will vote on whether or not to approve the honorary council position during its next regular meeting on Monday, Aug. 6.