‘Staters,’ Americanism awards recipients named
Published 7:43 am Thursday, May 24, 2018
- From left, front, Patrick Murphy, Pacelli Boy’s Americanism Award, Paiton Schwab, Austin High School Girl’s Americanism Award, Mitchell Mayer, Austin High School Boy’s Americanism Award, Lola Hanson, American Legion Post 91 secretary/treasurer, Ian Murphy, Austin High School Boy’s Stater, Sarah Bachmeir, Austin High School Girl’s Stater; back, Mike Hanson, American Legion Post 91 Americanism chairman. Not pictured: Signe Fadness, Austin High School Girl’s Stater, Pal Koak, Pacelli High School Boy’s Stater, Abigail Bollingberg, Pacelli High School Girl’s Stater, and Sonia Ramirez, Pacelli High School Americanism Award. Photo provided
Tom Lenway, commander of Post 91 of the American Legion in Austin, has announced that Ian Murphy of Austin High School, and Pal Koak of Pacelli High school, will be his year’s American Legion Boys’ State participants who will attend the 70th annual Legion Boy State June 10-18 on the campus of St. John’s University in Collegeville.
Michael Hansen was named Post Boys State Chairman.
Boy Staters are juniors in high school who are named in cooperation of the post, high school faculty and citizens in the community.
The event is a practical learning experience in local and state government. Participants are encouraged toward better civic behavior, appreciation of democratic ideals. During the course of the week, Boy Staters will, with the help of others, organize their own city, county and state governments.
The post also announced the names of those attending Girls State, as well as recipients of its annual Americanism Awards:
Girl’s State participants: Sarah Bachmeir and Signe Fadness, Austin High School; Abigail Bollingberg, Pacelli High School.
Austin High School Boy’s Americanism Award: Mitch Mayer.
Austin High School Girl’s Americanism Award: Paiton Schwab.
Austin Pacelli Boy’s Americanism Award: Patrick Murphy.
Austin Pacelli Girl’s Americanism Award: Sonia Ramirez.