Learning to #BE MORE
Published 9:02 am Saturday, May 26, 2018
- Pacelli Kindergarten Prep graduation concert. Photo provided.
Jean McDermott
President of Pacelli Catholic Schools
In the words of Bishop George Murry, chairman of the National Catholic Education Association board of directors, “Catholic schools are integral to our nation’s character — serving the common good, strengthening local communities, and building the Kingdom of God on earth. For centuries, Catholic schools have provided a well-rounded education to disadvantaged families, new arrivals to America and to all who seek a seat in our schools. We have always tried to accommodate families of all backgrounds while maintaining our principles and teaching in a spirit of charity.”
Pacelli Catholic School educates students in the Catholic intellectual tradition, providing a lifelong foundation grounded in Christ’s love, faith in God, service to community, and academic achievement that inspires our students to “BE MORE.” By cultivating in our students’ higher-order thinking skills within a Catholic educational community, Pacelli consistently graduates students who excel in their vocations and become leaders in service to God and to their community.
The students at Pacelli are a reflection of our community; 65 percemt of our students are white, 23 percent Hispanic, 8 percent black, and 4 percent Asian; 53 percent qualify for the Free/Reduced lunch program; 15 percent speak a language other than English at home. While we provide a Catholic religion-based education, 30 percent of our students are non-Catholic. Families of many denominations seek a Christian-based education for their children by sending them to Pacelli.
Each year more and more families struggle to afford their basic needs due to a variety of economic and social challenges. Even though they may desire a Christian-based education for their children, it seems impossible with annual tuitions ranging from $3,900 – $5,925. Community members have stepped forward to sponsor children by assisting families with their tuition costs through an Adopt-a-Student program. Sponsors pledge to support a student through an annual tax deductible donation until a child graduates from 12th grade. Parents of an “adopted” student must also contribute which makes this a perfect partnership for a student in need. Sponsors may also contribute lesser amounts to support partial tuition, or one day of kindergarten, for example.

Pacelli Schools K-12 Students of the Month for the 2018-2019 school year. Photo provided
At Pacelli, we provide an educational experience that is individualized and personalized. We challenge our students to seek and achieve intellectual and spiritual growth. We foster the development of higher-order thinking skills — application, analysis, synthesis, and creation — to create thinking, articulate students eager for deeper learning and true understanding. We honor human dignity and see the potential in everyone to not only better themselves but to better our world. We believe that every student can be inspired to BE MORE.
BE MORE exemplifies what parents seek for their children and what Christ calls us to be. Be More means that we will strive each day to achieve a slightly better version of ourselves, not only so that we may fully experience the world around us but fully participate in it as well.
You can be the key to a brighter future for a child, allowing them to BE MORE. You can give them the opportunity to thrive in a school that is committed to meeting their individual and spiritual needs and unlocking their potential. You can Adopt a Student. YOU can #BE MORE!
If you are interested in learning more about Pacelli Catholic Schools or Adopting a Student, visit our website at www.pacellischools.org, email admin@pacellischools.org or call 507-437-3278. Registration for the 2018-19 school year is now open.