Future of Red Bike program uncertain; Committee exploring new bike sharing options

Published 7:58 am Thursday, May 3, 2018

For the past two years, Vision 2020’s Red Bike program has offered Austin residents and visitors alike the opportunity to ride a bike around town or on one of the city’s many bike trails during the spring and summer months.

With the motto “Ride. Respect. Return,” the Red Bikes were intended be borrowed, free of charge, from one of several racks around town and returned for others to use.

But according to Vision 2020 Biking and Walking Committee Chairman Steve Kime, the limited supply of bikes was unable to meet the demand, a problem exacerbated by some bikes not being returned and others being returned in poor condition.

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“‘Ride, respect, return’ is not a sustainable model,” he said. “There were times when bikes were not available in the racks. We would receive some that were in need of repair and some were not repairable.”

The situation has left some uncertainty on the future of the Red Bike program.

“I don’t know if we’ll be able to do a bike share system this year,” Kime said.

Although he is admittedly frustrated, Kime said he has not given up. He said he would like a more official bike share program, one that would let them to know who checked out the bike and allow for greater accountability.

A Red Bike sits at a station near the Austin Municipal Swimming Pool in 2016. Herald file photo

Kime has been in contact with companies in Rhode Island and Minneapolis who have more innovative bike sharing programs, such as a racking system that uses software to keep track and bikes that can only be checked out via a phone app.

“We’ve learned some things about how this could be better thought out,” he said.

If and when a new bike share program comes to Austin, Kime said he is not sure how many bikes he would need to meet the demand.

“I don’t know if I would need 100, 500, 1,000,” he said.

But whatever the number, Kime regrets not knowing when another bike share program will be available again in Austin.

“I’m disappointed,” he said. “I think it’s a good thing to do. As I look around and see that people are so anxious for spring, there are so many people out on their bikes. It’s good exercise and great for all ages.”