Calling autumn: A photographer and a cell phone captures the colors and sites of fall

Published 7:01 am Sunday, October 29, 2017

A rake, bags of leaves and a perfect fall day.

Every year I try to take time, to walk the trails and parks of Austin to try and capture the beauty of fall, whether its the bright colors of the de-leafed trees or the lingering greens.

But this year, instead of using the camera you usually see me with, I tried something different. From my own backyard to Queen of Angels Catholic Church and out to the Jay C. Nature Center I did my best to capture the autumn splendor with nothing but my headphones playing my favorite tunes and the cellphone itself.

Last towers of color stand amongst the prairie.

Cellphones have come a long, long way from the days of my very first gray and blocky Cellular One monstrosity. And during that evolution has come the evolution of the camera phone.

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Today’s phones are easily equal to or suprassing your casual point and shoot and some day, it may even rival a DSLR camera.

So with nothing more than the phone’s capabilities and a minor bit of toning through Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, this was how I was able to portray fall this year.

A bit of color still held on to the summer at the Jay C. Hormel Nature Center.

Trees on fire flank this view of Queen of Angels Catholic Church.

A quaint spot to spend an autumn day.

Berries contrast against decay of the season