County board approves tax abatements, requests moving of shed
Published 7:50 am Wednesday, July 26, 2017
The County Board advised a Lansing Township man to move a shed to avoid being taken to court during their meeting on Tuesday.
Jose Rodriguez, who wants to use the shed as an inclement weather shelter for his daughters’ miniature horse, requested that the County Board waive the penalty portion of a zoning permit fee because the shed was already under construction when he purchased the property. The previous owner did not get a permit for the structure.
The shed, however, was located next to fencing Rodriguez had built on shore land, and keeping a horse in the shed would be a violation of state law regarding shore land property. It would also categorize the shed as a feed lot, which would require a different set of permits.
The Board advised him to move the shed, which is portable,100 feet from its current location to avoid litigation.
The Board also approved tax abatements for construction of two single-family homes. One home will be built at Lot 1, Block 5 of the Nature Ridge Subdivision of Austin. The other home will be built at the southeast quarter of Section 32, Township 102 North, Range 15 West of Mower County.