Community involvement is a key

Published 12:10 pm Sunday, April 9, 2017

Bill Spitzer

P & I Coordinator Parenting Resource Center

Mother nature is certainly teasing us with this on again off again warm weather. The light is shining in the tunnel as we get closer to summer. The warm weather gives us the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors and all the activities that come with it.

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Did you know that staying involved and active is yet another substance abuse prevention tool we can use? Prevention is very complicated and has many moving part, so without getting too in depth as well as using a lot of terminology, lets boil it down to couple of areas. Risks and protective factors. Many, many, many studies have been done around these two words but I want to focus in on just one and save the rest for another rainy day. Sorry couldn’t resist!

One protective factor that helps for a better development is participation in community groups. These groups include athletics and groups students are involved with at school. If we can keep our young people engaged in positive activities, we can reduce risk factors which should reduce substance abuse. Students have many opportunities at school but what about those students that just couldn’t find that right sport or could not commit to an entire season for whatever reason?

As part of our grant we started a couple new opportunities that are very flexible allowing students to come when they can. First is Sunday Intramurals that is held in the evenings. Many different activities are available and are held in Hastings Gym, The Packer Dome or outside depending on the activities. A local parent and volunteer coach started the initiative in hopes it will fill a void that exists. A couple of dozen students in grades 9 -12 have already participated in the first two weeks of activities. The next opportunity is tonight at the Dome. The event? Flag football. Cost is nothing. Requirement? Have fun!

We can all do our part to ensure these positive protective factors are available by sharing our most valuable commodity, time. I will always remember a comment that was shared with me from a newcomer to our community. She said, “How come there is so much money in the USA but so little TIME?” Remember your time becomes a protective factor for our young people when you become involved in Austin.

Bill Spitzer is the Planning and Implementation (P & I) Coordinator working closely with APAC (Austin Positive Action Coalition). APAC and Bill will be working with our schools and community as part of a 5-year grant focusing on Positive Community Norms. Feel free to contact him at the Austin High School 507.460.1800 ext. 0361 or via e-mail This grant is made possible by the Minnesota Department of Human Services, ADAD and hosted locally by the PRC. To learn more about the Parenting Resource, visit their website at