Puppets and science: Z Puppets Rosenschnoz combines fun with STEAM
Published 7:01 am Sunday, January 8, 2017
- Professor Scientificus, played by Chris Griffith, asks I.J. Holton Intermediate School students what their inventions would be during a presentation of Z Puppets Rosenschnoz Friday afternoon at Ellis Middle School. Eric Johnson/photodesk@austindailyherald.com
Odd as it sounds, a puppet troupe on Friday taught IJ Holton Intermediate School students ways to recognize STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) skills by way of SPAM, Scotch Tape, and Nut Goodies.

I.J. Holton Intermediate School students laugh as Professor Scientificus, played by Chris Griffith, takes them through a song on Minnesota inventions Friday afternoon at Ellis Middle School. Eric Johnson/photodesk@austindailyherald.com
The troupe — Shari Aronson and Chris Griffith, from Z Puppets Rosenschnoz of Minneapolis, presented “Minnesota Aha!” a short puppet show whose focus is Dr. Scientificus and his cat, Walter Mondale, who are attempting to create Minnesota’s Best Invention of All Time, by creating a song about — you guessed it — Minnesota’s greatest inventions.
That’s where the Spam and the inline skates, the kitty litter and the bundt pans come in: All Minnesota inventions.
Strutting across the stage, strumming a ukelele, Griffiths was outfitted in an odd helmet and striped socks and shirt. He had the sixth graders laughing at his corny jokes, puppets and at Walter, played by Aronson, who seemed as smart as anyone.

The cat Walter Mondale, played by Shari Aronson points out a book of Minnesota inventions at Ellis Middle School Friday afternoon. Eric Johnson/photodesk@austindailyherald.com
The fun was real, but so was the message, which the students quickly understood. The seemingly light tale of a song was actually made up of many skill sets, all falling under the STEAM umbrella — the engineering of puppets; the art of song, the measurements needed to create a pop-up book used in the playlet. A glitch in a computer caused a bit of video to go wrong, but that, Aronson said, is part of the process, too.
Experimentation brings with it failure at times, too, but that is how lessons are learned. All four grades at Holton were able to enjoy the show.
“This exposes the students to the design process … with the focus on Minnesota-made inventions that changed the world,” said Jill Rollie, continuous improvement specialist at IJ Holton. She added the show was made possible by a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board made through the Austin ArtWorks Center.
The troupe will also return in March, when another show, “Cellula,” is performed with backlight puppetry. The show will coincide with a residency by the troupe.