Minn.’s ‘I voted’ stickers have stood the test of time

Published 10:02 am Tuesday, November 8, 2016

ST. PAUL — An official who helped bring the “I voted” stickers to Minnesota to encourage people to turn out at the polls thought the idea was crazy.

But the stickers that millions of Minnesotans have proudly sported after casting Election Day ballots have stood the test of time.

Joe Mansky helped design the stickers while working in the secretary of state’s office.

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“You know when my boss tells me to do something, I do it, so we made this very simple design, the red circle with the very plain font that says ‘I voted,’” Mansky said.

Some states have stickers tailored to their state, such as Georgia’s with a peach on it. Minnesota’s is basic, with white letters in a red circle. The simple concept was later passed into law in 1993, which states the sticker can only contain the words “I Voted.”

And while the design has lasted more than two decades, Mansky told the St. Paul Pioneer Press that he’d have no problem if it was changed.

Mansky said he’d be happy if someone improved on the design, but that might require a change in the law.

According to Mansky he will consider making buttons for next year for pre-election voters instead of just stickers.