Pacelli Shamrockin’ Run draws 182
Published 11:16 am Monday, April 4, 2016

Peter Torkelson finishes the Pacelli Catholic Schools Shamrockin’ Run in first place on Saturday. — Photo’s provided
Pacelli Catholic Schools held its second annual Shamrockin’ Run at the school on Saturday with 182 participants braving the less-than-ideal weather conditions to take part in the 5K run/walk or 1 mile walk.
At race time, temperatures were in the low 30s and winds in excess of 40 mph.
“The sun was shining, so that really helped,” said Jerry Kraemer, run committee chairman, in a press release. “For this year’s turnout to basically match last year’s 185 participants, in these weather conditions, is pretty neat.”
Many good runners, from not only Pacelli, but from Austin High School and other area schools turned out for the event, with 27 runners finishing in under 25 minutes.
The age range of these runners was notable, which speaks to the broad-based popularity of running. Luke Weaver, age 12, finished at 22:59.4 and Gary Bickler, age 64, finished at 24:34.4. Peter Torkelson, junior at Southland, finished first overall, with a time of 17:27.0 and Madison Overby, senior at Austin High, finished ninth overall and first for women, with a time of 20:28.8. A complete list of results is posted at
“It’s been fun for Pacelli to put on an event for the whole community to take part in and enjoy,” said Krista Kahle, run committee member, in the release. “The goal was to offer a competitive, early season event for the more serious runners, as well as a fun event for families to take part in.”
Participants ranged in age from 1 to 72, with 55 of the 182 participants aged 18 and under.

Rachel Kahle completes her first 5k — the Pacelli Shamrockin’ Run — at the age of 5 with her mother, Krista.
The festive pre-race activities added to the spirit of the event, with music and sound provided by Simplified Sound Productions, with Jim Parlin on the microphone, providing announcements and encouragement. Craig Mann played bagpipes for an extra Irish flair. At the starting line, Father Jim Steffes prayed for the safety and warmth of all runners and Grace Einck, 10th grader at Pacelli, sang the national anthem. Post-race festivities included protein drinks and bars from Hormel Foods, as well as water and fruit provided by Hy-Vee, for the awards ceremony in the Pacelli gym.
Sponsors for the event included Hormel Foods, Hy-Vee, Pacelli Booster Club, Games People Play, Simplified Sound Productions, Bollingberg Chiropractic, Knights of Columbus, B & J Bar and Grill, Fox Electric, Total Fitness, Mower County Catholic Parishes Credit Union, Ameriprise Financial – Wealth Management Solutions, Harty Mechanical, United Farmers State Bank – Adams, Dexter & Rose Creek; Farmers State Agency of Adams, Simplified Technology Solutions, YMCA and Mayo Clinic Health Systems.
“We just really want to say thank you to everyone for participating in the second annual Shamrockin’ Run”, Kraemer said in the release. “The support from all of the many sponsors, all the volunteers, the Pacelli Booster Club Run committee and all the runners/walkers for pushing through the weather conditions was really great to see. Thank you to everyone!”
Pacelli 5K Shamrockin’ Run results
Name, Bib Number, Age, Gender, Place, Age Group, Time
1. Peter Torkelson, 487, 17 M 1 13-18 17:27.0
2. Andrew Sorenson 483 38 M 1 30-39 18:12.5
3. Sean Baker 500 18 M 2 13-18 18:30.8
4. Ryan Bickler 344 38 M 2 30-39 18:36.3
5. Nathan Drees 360 17 M 3 13-18 18:36.4
6. Mitch Mayer 457 16 M 4 13-18 18:44.6
7. Josh Snee 506 16 M 5 13-18 19:17.6
8. Jonathan McDonough 485 25 M 1 19-29 20:04.8
9. Madison Overby 499 18 F 1 13-18 20:28.8
10. Kayla Christopherson 356 15 F 2 13-18 20:36.8
11. Thomas Cook 512 31 M 3 30-39 21:16.8
12. Nathaniel Kenne 396 25 M 2 19-29 21:25.1
13. Bailey Rosas 465 16 M 6 13-18 21:25.8
14. William Kahle 394 14 M 7 13-18 21:29.6
15. Garrett Jenkins 515 23 M 3 19-29 22:09.9
16. Luke Hoeppner 389 33 M 4 30-39 22:24.8
17. Dominic Gartner 511 14 M 8 13-18 22:39.9
18. Mark Jenkins 390 46 M 1 40-49 22:51.0
19. Jacob Kramer 444 18 M 9 13-18 22:59.4
20. Luke Weaver 480 12 M 1 0-12 22:59.4
21. Rory Bickler 346 13 F 3 13-18 23:33.5
22. Tya Rohl 482 23 F 1 19-29 23:38.2
23. Mark Mayer 458 58 M 1 50-59 23:53.1
24. Rebekah Aase 338 25 F 2 19-29 24:27.6
25. Andrew Gatzemeyer 376 27 M 4 19-29 24:28.4
26. Gary Bickler 348 64 M 1 60-99 24:34.4
27. Al Tischer 484 52 M 2 50-59 24:42.8
28. Madi Rysavy 466 13 F 4 13-18 25:06.1
29. Liz Johnson 507 32 F 1 30-39 25:23.8
30. Michael Frederick 372 36 M 5 30-39 26:08.3
31. Daniel Grush 379 9 M 2 0-12 26:32.6
32. Sarah Nuss 501 42 F 1 40-49 26:32.6
33. Isaac Nelson 505 10 M 3 0-12 26:32.7
34. Shelley King 434 46 F 2 40-49 26:37.8
35. Allyson Klankowski 437 29 F 3 19-29 26:51.4
36. Grayson Bickler 347 8 M 4 0-12 27:00.3
37. Thomas Herrick 349 11 M 5 0-12 27:12.4
38. David Bednar 340 43 M 2 40-49 27:12.5
39. Amy Wollenburg 464 31 F 2 30-39 27:12.6
40. Jamie Surdy 475 29 M 5 19-29 27:17.8
41. Alexis Brede 352 7 F 1 0-12 27:18.3
42. Nick Erickson 368 32 M 6 30-39 27:18.3
43. Randy Kramer 442 54 M 3 50-59 27:20.7
44. Branden Kennedy 399 16 M 10 13-18 27:44.3
45. Amy Surdy 474 33 F 3 30-39 27:51.3
46. Kyle Mayer 455 12 M 6 0-12 27:52.0
47. Andrew Frederick 374 10 M 7 0-12 28:04.1
48. Ellen Horvat 498 12 F 2 0-12 28:21.7
49. Kim Zerke 481 34 F 4 30-39 28:35.5
50. Kendahl Lewis 496 11 F 3 0-12 28:49.6
51. Abigail Christopherson 358 11 F 4 0-12 28:55.1
52. Selena Hataye 386 22 F 4 19-29 29:02.1
53. Gareth Hataye 385 55 M 4 50-59 29:05.3
54. Jim Stevenson 473 57 M 5 50-59 29:24.9
55. Caitlin Drees 361 12 F 5 0-12 29:25.4
56. Myra Kraemer 441 13 F 5 13-18 29:49.7
57. Mason Holtorf 492 15 M 11 13-18 29:49.8
58. Dale Svoboda 476 49 M 3 40-49 29:51.5
59. Sarah Kahle 393 19 F 5 19-29 30:03.4
60. Denise Kennedy 398 41 F 3 40-49 30:11.6
61. Shawn Kennedy 397 50 M 6 50-59 30:11.7
62. Grace Mayer 456 14 F 6 13-18 31:07.1
63. Brooke Hoebing 388 31 F 5 30-39 31:15.4
64. Matthew Grush 378 11 M 8 0-12 31:23.8
65. Grace Drees 363 20 F 6 19-29 31:33.4
66. Erin Grush 377 36 F 6 30-39 31:45.6
67. John Holst 488 72 M 2 60-99 32:05.3
68. Michelle Soukup 467 42 F 4 40-49 32:18.2
69. Eric Kahle 392 45 M 4 40-49 32:31.1
70. Lexi Lewis 497 8 F 6 0-12 32:44.3
71. Allison Soukup 470 9 F 7 0-12 32:44.4
72. Travis Campbell 355 19 M 6 19-29 32:51.0
73. Danielle Drees 362 17 F 7 13-18 32:54.0
74. Andrew Sprau 471 32 M 7 30-39 33:57.5
75. Don Feist 370 38 M 8 30-39 33:57.6
76. Kelly Drees 364 51 F 1 50-59 34:52.4
77. Karen Fuerstenberg 375 44 F 5 40-49 36:10.8
78. Olivia Zelkowitz 517 11 F 8 0-12 36:18.9
79. Grace Einck 365 16 F 8 13-18 36:41.2
80. Judy Einck 366 50 F 2 50-59 37:21.0
81. Max Nuss 502 11 M 9 0-12 37:34.7
82. Sarah Nelson 504 42 F 6 40-49 37:48.8
83. Cal Nuss 503 9 M 10 0-12 37:50.2
84. Janup Chop 493 11 M 11 0-12 37:53.7
85. Lauryn Hajek 382 4 F 9 0-12 38:19.0
86. Sam King 436 12 M 12 0-12 38:19.1
87. Nathan Hajek 381 38 M 9 30-39 38:19.3
88. Jeremy Mason 452 32 M 10 30-39 38:19.9
89. Piper Mason 453 4 F 10 0-12 38:20.2
90. Emily Mason 451 29 F 7 19-29 38:29.1
91. Palmer Mason 454 1 F 11 0-12 38:31.3
92. Jim Crozier 518 47 M 5 40-49 38:44.4
93. Marla Halliday 384 44 F 7 40-49 38:45.5
94. Amy Hajek 380 32 F 7 30-39 38:49.0
95. Makayla Hajek 383 2 F 12 0-12 38:49.4
96. Tommy Marree 486 7 M 13 0-12 39:23.7
97. Steve King 433 49 M 6 40-49 39:42.3
98. Paul Fischer 371 50 M 7 50-59 39:42.5
99. Collin McMahon 490 5 M 14 0-12 41:11.4
100. Sara McMahon 489 34 F 8 30-39 41:41.6
101. Christine Frederick 373 37 F 9 30-39 41:42.0
102. Landon Phan 513 6 M 15 0-12 42:29.1
103. Scott Walski 520 6 M 16 0-12 42:38.9
104. Mark Walski 519 36 M 11 30-39 42:39.0
105. Rachel Kahle 395 5 F 13 0-12 42:48.9
106. Krista Kahle 391 44 F 8 40-49 42:49.0
107. Pat Parlin 461 61 F 1 60-99 44:55.9
108. Sherry Weaver 479 50 F 3 50-59 47:36.8
109. Keith Leif 514 64 M 3 60-99 48:27.5
110. Liz Kilkus 430 24 F 8 19-29 48:36.2
111. Katie Dahl 510 30 F 10 30-39 48:36.2
112. Hannah Nelson 460 17 F 9 13-18 48:38.8
113. Kylee Christopherson 357 13 F 10 13-18 48:39.0
114. Kasandra Denn 359 23 F 9 19-29 48:39.8
115. Joshua Bednar 341 7 M 17 0-12 52:39.9
116. Robyn Bickler 345 37 F 11 30-39 53:01.0
117. Peg Kilkus 432 64 F 2 60-99 53:22.3
118. Paul Kilkus 431 66 M 4 60-99 53:31.7
119. Chelsea Brolsma 353 28 F 10 19-29 53:41.9
120. Deveny Brolsma 354 37 F 12 30-39 53:43.5
121. Kristin Capp 509 28 F 11 19-29 53:44.4
122. Riley Brolsma 508 31 M 12 30-39 53:45.3
123. Josey Bednar 343 5 F 14 0-12 54:54.7
124. Jacey Bednar 342 5 F 15 0-12 54:54.7
125. Dorene Bednar 339 47 F 9 40-49 54:55.0
126. Chudier Lual 495 7 M 18 0-12 57:44.0
127. Odear Lual 494 10 M 19 0-12 57:45.2
128. Faye Haugen 387 61 F 3 60-99 57:49.6
129. Connie Sprung 472 53 F 4 50-59 57:50.1