Bruins comeback from four goals down against Wings

Published 8:57 pm Sunday, March 27, 2016

The Austin Bruins erased a four goal deficit a they topped Aberdeen (21-24-11 overall) 7-5 on the road Saturday.

Both teams combined for 83 total shots in the game and the Bruins took the lead for good when Jacob Paganelli scored Austin’s third goal in a 10-minute stretch in the second period to make it 6-5 Austin (27-25-4 overall).

Robbie Goor picked up the win in relief for Austin by stopping 25 of the 27 shots he saw. Kristofer Carlson stopped eight of the 11 shots he saw.

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Austin 2 4 1 – 7

Aberdeen 4 1 0 – 5

First period

(AB) Matt Pulver (Tucker DeYoung, Tyler Bossert) 4:15

(AB) Jackson Graalum (power play) (Kevin Fitzgerald, Andrew Noel) 9:41

(AB) Carter Roo (power play) (Graalum, Ryan Cook) 11:17

(AB) Fitzgerald (Roo, Graalum) 13:50

(A) Justin Misiak (Griffin Slightam, Jade Miller) 14:48

(A) Zach Kennedy (John Pesek, Michael Piehler) 17:06

Second period

(A) Miller (Misiak, Gilbert Gabor) :17

(AB) Pulver (Andrew Noel, Tyler Bossert) 3:35

(A) Gabor (power play) (MIller, Jacob Paganelli) 9:59

(A) Miha Zajc (John Pesek, Jan Stefka) 12:41

(A) Paganelli (Evan Cholak, Travis Kothenbeutel) 19:15

Third period

(A) Austin Rueschhoff (power play) Paganelli, Marcus Kalstrom) 4:01

Shots: Austin – 45; Aberdeen – 38

Power plays: Austin – 2-for-6; Aberdeen – 2-for-5