Save on energy before spending on remodels; Audits can help families gauge utilities usage

Published 4:52 am Friday, October 30, 2015

By Kelly Lady

Austin Utilities

Home improvements can really take a bite out of your budget. Sometimes it is difficult to decide the best investment for your money. Are you better off getting new windows/doors, a new furnace or air conditioner? Maybe all those items are in great shape and you can spend your money on that granite countertop you wife has always wanted. Decisions like these can be difficult to make without the proper information. That is where a home energy audit, also known as a home energy assessment, can really pay off.

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The home energy assessment, is the first step to assess your home energy usage and evaluate what measures you can take to make your home more energy efficient. The assessment will prioritize action steps that will save you significant amounts of money over time and reduce your environmental impact.

A home energy assessment provides a whole-house approach that looks at your home as a system. The detailed written report lists energy saving recommendations specific to your home.

Most utility companies have some type of energy audit program for their residential customers. At Austin Utilities our program is called Conserve & Save House Call. Customers who choose to get a Standard House Call audit receive a $300 value for a co-pay of only $50. To sign up simply complete a pre-audit questionnaire and return it to our office. Our auditor will call and set up an appointment that is convenient for you.

Taking advantage of the Conserve & Save House Call will provide action steps to cut your utility costs, make environmentally conscious decisions, make use of valuable rebates, and take advantage of technological improvements.

So be sure to make a Conserve & Save House Call part of your home improvement plan. Who knows, after making all your energy saving improvements you may save enough on your utility bill to install that granite countertop next year!

An energy audit will:

• Evaluate your energy usage history to provide a breakdown of appliance and equipment costs

• Blower door diagnostics to analyze your home’s air tightness and insulation performance

• Basement-to-attic inspection determining insulation and air sealing performance

• Diagnostic safety test water heater and heating equipment

• Directing the installation of energy saving devices