Corn, soybean ahead of last year across state

Published 10:05 am Tuesday, September 1, 2015

ST. PAUL— Minnesota’s corn and soybean crops are developing ahead of last year’s pace.

According to the USDA’s weekly crop report Monday, 65 percent of Minnesota’s corn acreage was in or beyond dent stage. That’s 10 days ahead of last year and six days ahead of the five-year average.

Corn condition was rated 88 percent good to excellent.

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Soybeans also are outpacing last year. For the week ending Sunday, 27 percent of soybean acreage was turning color or beyond — nine days ahead of last year and four days ahead of average.

Soybean condition is rated 79 percent good to excellent, with portions of the crop starting to drop leaves.

Minnesota’s small grain harvest is over 95 percent complete. The sugar beet harvest is 6 percent complete, two weeks ahead of average.