Episcopal church and food, two in one; Informal church services held over a meal in Austin

Published 8:47 am Friday, March 20, 2015

Members of the dinner church at Christ Episcopal Church in Austin eat during the service. Photo provided. From left: Jim Churchill, Sue Grove, Marijo Alexander, Steve Maiers, Mary Maiers, J Sullivan, John Sullivan, Catherine Lemons, Dan Flaherty, Richard Lemons. Photo provided

Members of the dinner church at Christ Episcopal Church in Austin eat during the service. Photo provided. From left: Jim Churchill, Sue Grove, Marijo Alexander, Steve Maiers, Mary Maiers, J Sullivan, John Sullivan, Catherine Lemons, Dan Flaherty, Richard Lemons. Photo provided

A church in Austin has taken a new look — and a new appetite — at how they offer services.

Dinner Church is a new worship experience that takes place at Christ Episcopal Church in Austin. Church members and their priest, the Rev. Catherine Lemons, wanted to find a new way to come together to worship God and create community in addition to the traditional Sunday morning service.

After learning about a service that takes place during a dinner at St. Lydia’s in New York City, it was decided to do something similar here. Rev. Lemons contacted the pastor at St. Lydia’s and then asked Catherine Monson — the daughter of Rev. Glen and Ruth Monson, who lives in New York — if she would attend and let the congregation know what she thought about the service. After this was completed, a team of church members worked with Rev. Lemons to fashion an informal service that takes place over the course of a meal prepared by church members.

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Services begin with an opening hymn and a few prayers. Then an informal meal is served and everyone gets a chance to visit. Next a short video is presented which introduces a relevant topic to be discussed around the table. Eucharist is then celebrated and dessert is served at the end of the evening.

The atmosphere around the table is comfortable with low lighting and many candles. Community members of all faiths have attended and have said it is a great way to spend a Sunday evening. Services are typically held the second and fourth Sundays of each month at 5:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome.

For more information, please contact the church at 433-3782.