Austin residents involved in Albert Lea car crash; 34-year-old treated for injuries
Published 10:39 am Friday, March 13, 2015

Albert Lea firefighters use the Jaws of Life to open the door of a Chevy Equinox involved in a crash Wednesday afternoon at the intersection of East Main Street and Blake Avenue. No one was injured in this vehicle.
Photos by Sarah Stultz/Albert Lea Tribune
ALBERT LEA — A 34-year-old Austin woman was injured Wednesday afternoon after a broadside collision at the intersection of East Main Street and Blake Avenue in Albert Lea.
Police stated Daneka Lyn Thomas was transported by ambulance to Mayo Clinic Health System in Albert Lea after the crash. Her injuries were deemed not life-threatening.
According to police, Thomas was traveling east on East Main Street in a gold 2011 Chevy Equinox shortly after 3 p.m. when another 2011 Chevy Equinox, driven by Everett Wayne Deyoung, 84, of Austin, ran a red light while turning south from Main Street onto Blake Avenue.

The driver of this vehicle was injured Wednesday afternoon after a two-car collision at the intersection of East Main Street and Blake Avenue.
Deyoung was driving westbound on East Main Street and reportedly mistook the green light for the westbound traffic to be a green light for his turn.
Police stated Thomas broadsided Deyoung’s vehicle on the passenger door.
Deyoung and his passenger, Shirley Deyoung, 79, were not injured, though the Albert Lea Fire Department had to use the Jaws of Life to get the passenger door open.
Everett Deyoung was cited for failure to yield.