United Way to help fund new programs

Published 10:34 am Wednesday, November 12, 2014

It can be difficult to get funding for a new program, but the United Way of Mower County has plans to try to change that.

The United Way is accepting applications to help fund new programs. Any nonprofit organization in Mower County with a new program that has not been funded by United Way in the past is encouraged to submit a letter for review.

“The process is very simple. The United Way board will review each new program and if it aligns with our mission and goals for the community under the Agenda for Change we will ask for a full application,” said Diane Baker, Executive Director, United Way of Mower County, in a press release.

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The deadline for submitting a new program letter is 4 p.m. on Dec. 5. The requirements for the letter can be found on the United Way of Mower County website at www.uwmower.org/community.

Please contact Diane Baker at United Way if you have any questions about the new program application.