Letter: Support for Hagen for council seat
Published 10:03 am Tuesday, October 7, 2014
I urge you, my fellow Austin neighbors, to vote for Dave Hagen in our upcoming City Council election. Why? Dave and his wife, Paulette, could choose to live anywhere but have chosen this to be their home. Toward a better Austin, Dave shows up as part of so many Vision 2020 meetings. He listens, really listens, at the coffee shops to what each of us sees and feels about our lives in Austin. And he has no personal agenda except that which makes this place better for all of us.
When a person can choose Austin and does, when he is not serving a special interest and Dave isn’t, and he generally wants his neighbors to live in the best place possible, he should be a voice on our council. I’m voting for Dave and I invite you to join me.
George Brophy