Letter: Why wasn’t public able to vote on city plan?
Published 10:30 am Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Recently I became aware of a, “comprehensive plan” for Austin which you can see on the city council web site. This plan is quite large and very detailed, and I encourage everyone to go and read it entirely. The question I have is why something this huge that impacts every single person in this county wasn’t put to a vote by the people? After I read the plan I called the mayor and asked if I could see a copy of yet another “plan” that was never put to a vote by the people called, “The Mayors Climate Protection Agreement.” I was told, “no” and to look it up online. I wonder why something of such importance that was signed by our Mayor is not available to all the citizens of this county to read if they chose to? It’s a mystery.
I don’t hide the fact that I do not believe in global warming and that after many hours of research I believe it is based on pseudo science and is nothing more than a way to carry out the government’s Agenda 21 plan. I do however believe that pollution is a huge problem with the biggest polluters of all being the U.S. government and their constant chemtrail spraying! Chemtrails are not only extremely harmful for the planet, ozone layer, air, soil, food but also are responsible for a wide variety of illnesses. I urge anyone who has FACTS to the contrary to contact me via Facebook.
Michelle Schammel,