American Legion recognizes local students at Americanism Awards

Published 10:24 am Thursday, May 15, 2014

The American Legion and Auxiliary Annual Americanism Award. Pictured, from left, are: Matthew Kasel, Anna Bachmeier, Shane Johannsen, Commander Roland Hanson, President Ball, William Bartemes, and Tyler Amick. -- Photo provided

The American Legion and Auxiliary Annual Americanism Award. Pictured, from left, are: Matthew Kasel, Anna Bachmeier, Shane Johannsen, Commander Roland Hanson, President Ball, William Bartemes, and Tyler Amick. — Photo provided

The American Legion and Auxiliary Annual Americanism Awards were presented on April 27.

Austin Post 91 Commander Roland Hanson and Auxiliary Unit 91 President Jean Ball welcomed the recipients and their families.

Lanny Krachmer presented the Boys State certificates to Austin High School juniors Shane Johannsen and William Bartemes. Jean Ball presented the Girls State certificate to Anna Bachmeier from Austin High School. Andrea Ramirez Hernandez from AHS and Maggie Leif from Pacelli High School are also reipients, but were unable to attend. Americanism certificates and medallions were presented by Hanson and Ball to Tyler Amick from Austin High and to Matthew Kasel from Pacelli. Rachel Wahlert from AHS and Annie Holtz from Pacelli, also recipients, were unable to attend.

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Girls and Boys State representatives are chosen with these criteria in mind: junior class member in the upper 50 percent of the class, a leader, enthusiastic, good personality and character, gets along with others, interested in a citizenship program, demonstrates quality work in the classroom and the community. These representatives attend a week long program in June.

Recipients of the Americanism Award are members of the Senior class. The qualities for choosing the Americanism recipients are courage, honor, leadership, patriotism, scholarship and service. These qualities are inscribed on the medallions they received. This is the highest honor awarded to youth by the American Legion.