MNsure board approves preliminary budget

Published 10:06 am Thursday, March 13, 2014

ST. PAUL — The board of Minnesota’s new health insurance marketplace approved on Wednesday a preliminary budget for 2015 that officials said is balanced without seeking new federal or state money.

MNsure Interim CEO Scott Leitz told reporters at a briefing before the meeting that the proposed $39.8 million budget for next calendar year is based on the assumption that the federal government will let the exchange carry over $5 million in federal grants that have already been awarded but not spent.

“I think we have taken a fairly conservative approach in putting together this budget,” Leitz said. He said it assumes premium revenues will remain flat and conservative enrollment growth.

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MNsure must report its preliminary 2014 budget to the Legislature by Saturday. Board member Lucinda Jesson, the state’s human services commissioner, said this version is firm enough to submit to lawmakers, but insisted that the board revisit the plan frequently before it adopts the final budget in November.

“I have a lot of concerns,” Jesson said. “There are a lot of uncertainties in this.”