Proposal would have prostitutes who are raped, beaten get paid

Published 10:12 am Thursday, December 12, 2013

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California officials are considering whether to change a decades-old anti-crime regulation and allow prostitutes to receive money from a victim compensation fund if they’re raped or beaten by a john or pimp.

Under the current system, those harmed in violent crimes can be paid for medical costs and related expenses, but prostitutes are excluded because their activities are illegal.

California is the only state in the nation with such a provision, said Jon Myers, deputy executive officer of the Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board.

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“We’re kind of all alone on that,” he said. “The idea, back in the late ‘90s, was to get tougher on crime.”

The American Civil Liberties Union and organizations representing sex trade workers want the rules changed.