Society News: Nov. 17
Published 4:35 pm Saturday, November 16, 2013
Daughters of the American Revolution
Judy Brown hosted the November meeting of the Red Cedar Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
The Chapter has two new members: Terry Donovan and Diana Adkins.
Adam Johnson, whose application to the Children of the American Revolution is in process, presented the program. Adam, 17, in 11th grade, is involved in speech and debate through the National Christian Forensics Communications Association. His topic, “Electoral College,” explained the history of the Electoral College, which was created in 1789 as America needed a standardized system to elect a President.
The Red Cedar has been awarded an Honorable Mention on the Honor Roll for the 2012-2013 program year, as well as a citation for outstanding accomplishments in attaining Chapter Achievement Award, Level l, 2012-2013. The DAR Magazine Office notified Red Cedar that an article and photo about the Minnesota State Academy for the Blind would be printed in the January/February issue. “The Fine Home on Water Street,” a history of the George A. and Lillian Hormel family at 208 Water Street, now the Hormel Historic Home, has been accepted by the DAR Library, Acquisitions Office, Washington, D.C.
Marilyn Prenosil read the National Defense Report, which honored Veterans Day and those who protected our country. Each DAR member received a letter to be given to a veteran, thanking him/her for service, sacrifice, and commitment to the preservation of freedom. Judy Brown read the President General’s message. The “American Indian Minute” included information about Taopi, a brave Christian Chief of the Dakotas who saved many women and children during the Indian War of 1862. He was also a close friend of Alexander Faribault. His grave site at Maple Lawn Cemetery in Faribault has a tipi-like formation over his headstone.
The next meeting will be held at the home of Alice Anderson on Dec. 14. Members will bring clothing and comfort items for both men and women for the Veterans Hospital.
Duplicate Bridge
Tournament results for Nov. 6 with five tables played: first, Gus Brandt and Stan Schultz; second, Joyce Crowe and Dave Ring; third, Dave MaGee and Tom Flaherty; fourth, Marilyn Gesme and Dorothy Hanna; fifth, Jim Fisher and Bud Higgins.
Duplicate Bridge is played each Wednesday at noon at the Mower County Senior Center in Austin. All Bridge players are welcome. Call Dave Ring at 507-434-4189 for partnership assistance or additional information.
The Cotillion Club
Austin’s only dinner and dance club, “The Cotillion,” met for another delightful evening, dancing to the music of Peter Jacobs on Nov. 5 at the Austin Country Club.
The committee for this month was chaired by Harry and Brenda Willmott, assisted by Michael Walker and Kelsey Fields, Otto and Betty Valkert, Buddy and Pam Tebbetts and Bill and Sally Phillips.
We are looking to expand our membership. For more information, call 507-437-1148, or 507-433-1500.
Golden Age Club
Everyone saluted the flag before having the monthly Golden Age meeting.
Dee Murphy, chaplain, said “A Prayer for Our Servicemen and Women.”
A motion was made by Jacky Kottner and seconded by Ann Miller to accept the treasurer and secretary reports as read.
November birthdays will be celebrated by Martha Hagan, Betty Johnson, Hazel Baldner, Joan Stanek, Marion Holdgrafer.
Jay Clark, chairperson for the nominating committee, asked everyone to accept Lucille Stratton as vice chairperson, and Ruth Van Hooser as treasurer to take office Jan. 8. Dee Murphy made the motion to accept the new slate of officers, and it was seconded by Dee Srsen. There was no opposition.
Cards were played at nine tables. Hazel Baldner provided the lunch.
Anyone 55 or older is welcome to join, 507-437-2961.