Report addresses public safety on tribal land
Published 10:18 am Wednesday, November 13, 2013
FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. — A national panel of judicial and law enforcement experts traveled the country taking comment on public safety issues on American Indian reservations, where federal statistics show the violent crime rates can be 20 times the national average.
In Palm Springs, Calif., the Law and Order Commission heard about the patchwork of legal systems imposed on tribal members. In Alaska, commissioners talked with a leader who told them each of the dozens of Native women they had met that day had been raped. In Phoenix, they heard from Navajo police who said drunken drivers often travel onto the vast reservation undetected because of lack of communication between tribal officers and outside law enforcement.
What the commission came up with is a 324-page report that seeks to close gaps in public safety in tribal communities. The report, “Strengthening Justice for Native America: A roadmap,” was released Tuesday, a day ahead of the White House Tribal Nations Conference. The recommendations now go to Congress and the president.