90 cats rescued from smuggling near Thai border

Published 11:20 am Thursday, July 11, 2013

BANGKOK — Thai police say they have rescued about 90 famished cats that they believed had been headed to Vietnam. They declined to say what fate they had rescued the felines from, but cats are considered a delicacy in their intended destination.

Police Col. Sakchai Sadmaroeng said Thursday his men stopped a pickup truck at a checkpoint Thursday and found six plastic cages full of cats in northeastern Nakhon Phanom province. The driver was arrested and faces charges including animal cruelty and illegal transportation of animals.

The Thai driver told police he received 2,000 baht ($63) to drive the cats to the Mekhong River, near the Thai-Laotian border.

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Cat meat is offered in many restaurants in Vietnam. Dogs also have been smuggled there from Thailand for their meat.