Two week Click It or Ticket campaign launches on June 2

Published 5:07 pm Saturday, May 18, 2013

Agencies across Minnesota will launch their two-week Click It or Ticket seat belt patrols starting Monday.

Nearly 400 Minnesota agencies will be increasing patrols to encourage motorists to buckle up during the campaign, which goes through June 2 and is being coordinated by the Department of Public Safety Office of Traffic Safety.

Seat belt enforcement also will hit the roads nationwide.

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Unbelted motorists continue to represent a significant amount of Minnesota’s traffic fatalities, especially in greater Minnesota.

In the last three years on Minnesota roads, 852 motorists died in crashes, of which 361, or 42 percent, were not buckled up.

In Minnesota, drivers and passengers in all seating positions, including the back seat, are required to be buckled up or seated in the correct child restraint.

Officers will stop and ticket unbelted drivers or passengers. Seat belts must be worn correctly — low and snug across the hips; shoulder straps should never be tucked under an arm or behind the back.