Society News: May 26

Published 4:37 pm Saturday, May 25, 2013

Cotillion Club

Cotillion Club

The Cotillion Club

On May 7, The Cotillion Club enjoyed an evening of dinner and dancing at The Austin Country Club. The Band, Rush, provided varied music for members and guests to dance and have a good time. Chuck and Audrey Larson were committee chairpersons, planning the evening with their committee pictured.

From left, back row: Ann Hokanson, Madelon Collette, Peter Jacobs, Gordy White. Front row: Audrey and Chuck Larson and Ruthie White are in the front row. The final dance before the summer break will be on June 4. Guests are always welcome; call Alice Anderson at 507-437-4704 by May 31.

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American Legion Auxiliary

A the May 7 meeting of the Austin American Legion Auxiliary Unit 91, a Draping of the Charter Ceremony was held honoring 10 members who passed away this past year. Honored were Marjorie Clark, Elizabeth Feely, Janice Hoy, Carol Landgraf, Delores Vonfeldt, Caroline Lewis, Priscilla Redding, Caroline Stenger, Carmel Wald and Shirley Wolfe.

After Post Everlasting on May 26, when Post 91 honors 44 deceased members, the auxiliary will serve lunch. Commander Roland Hanson expressed the legion’s thanks and appreciation for the auxiliary’s willingness in volunteering and helping when needed. As an annual birthday gift, the auxiliary gave Post 91 new floor mats for the kitchen area.

A pot-luck supper will preceed the June 12 meeting at 6 p.m., with the meeting to follow at 7 p.m.

Genealogical Society

The Mower County Genealogical Society met May 1 at the Mower County Historical Society, with Sue Doosey as hostess. Barb Langan opened the meeting, Gene Noterman read the minutes, Carol Evenson gave the treasurer’s report and Colette Chaffee updated the club on her research and talked about the new hours one can do research at the courthouse.

Donna Jarvis brought in a large stamp, which the group discovered was a layout of Austin from around 1942. Doosey found an Austinian Yearbook dated 1945 showing the layout as part of the yearbook construction. Despite the nasty weather, the meeting took on an exciting aspect of reminiscing. After, the club enjoyed coffee at Perkins.

The club’s upcoming meeting will be June 5 at the Austin Public Library in 7 p.m. The club is open to the public, and those who are interested in geneaology are invited to join.

Duplicate Bridge

Tournament results for May 15 with four tables played: first, Lu Schmitt and Loren Cleland; second, Ron Peters and Vandy Newman; third, Orrion Roisen and Dave Ring; fourth, Cleo Osmundson and Edna Knobbe.

Duplicate Bridge is played each Wednesday at noon at the Mower County Senior Center in Austin. All Bridge players are welcome. Call Dave Ring at 507-434-4189 for partnership assistance or additional information.