Snow doesn’t stop the party: AHS celebrates prom without a hitch

Published 11:10 am Monday, May 6, 2013

Ajuda Nywesh and and Lauren Stasi take part in the Grand March Saturday night in Knowlton Auditorium during the 2013 Austin High School promenade. -- Eric Johnson/

Ajuda Nywesh and and Lauren Stasi take part in the Grand March Saturday night in Knowlton Auditorium during the 2013 Austin High School promenade. — Eric Johnson/

Excited Austin students wait in line for prom amid piles of snow.

Excited Austin students wait in line for prom amid piles of snow.

Seniors Jocelyn Sheehan and Joseph Gerber fill out their names for the Grand March.

Seniors Jocelyn Sheehan and Joseph Gerber fill out their names for the Grand March.