Packer golfers take third in Faribault

Published 8:29 pm Thursday, May 16, 2013

FARIBAULT — The Austin boys golfers took third in a Big Nine triangular in Faribault Thursday.

The Packers shot a team score of 346, Mankato West had a 331 and Faribaul was first with a 320.

Austin High School freshman James Snee eyes his chip on the 18th green at the Faribault Golf Club on Thursday. -- Josh Berhow/Daily News

Austin High School freshman James Snee eyes his chip on the 18th green at the Faribault Golf Club on Thursday. — Josh Berhow/Daily News

“Chipping and putting seemed to give the boys a lot of trouble,” Austin head coach Chris Gogolewski said. “Greens were firm and dry, so keeping the ball on the surface was tricky.”

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Austin’s Alex Thorson shot an 81.

Austin scores: Alex Thorson, 81; Nick Ross, 87; Tony Baudler, 88; James Snee, 90; Trei Miller, 91; Ethan Morey, 95