Society News

Published 4:34 pm Saturday, April 27, 2013

Duplicate Bridge

•Tournament results for April 10 with four tables played: first, Tom Flaherty and Stan Schultz; second, Jim Fisher and Bud Higgins; third, Lu Schmitt and Loren Cleland; fourth, Orrion Roisen and Dave Ring.

•Tournament results for April 17 with five tables played: first, Jim Fisher and Bug Higgins; second, Helen Ringham and Arnie Lange; third, Gene Dominio and Rich Stroup; fourth, Vandy Newman and Gene Muchow.

Email newsletter signup

Duplicate Bridge is played each Wednesday at noon at the Senior Citizen’s Center in Austin, 2301 10th St. NW, Exit 177 off I-90, two blocks north of Walmart. All Bridge players are welcome. Call Dave Ring at 507-434-4189 for partnership assistance or additional information.

Y’s Women

Y’s Women met April 11. The staff at St. Mark’s Assisted Living gave us a tour of their new facility. Joanne Sass was welcomed as a guest. After the business meeting, dessert was served by Dee Witt.

The next meeting will be May 9 at 2 p.m. at the Hormel Historic Home. The Y’s Women will celebrate its 20th year as a club.

National Active and Retired Federal Employees

National Active and Retired Federal Employees, Chapter 469, met Tuesday, April 9, 2013, at the Pizza Ranch in Albert Lea, Minn. Vice President Roger Erickson led the meeting in President Green’s absence. OPM will provide information sometime this year on how annuitants can “Opt-in” to receive their 1099R forms electronically. Items were collected for the silent auction for Alzheimer’s, which will be held at the state convention in St. Cloud May 21-23, 2013. The next meeting will be June 11, 2013, at the Pizza Ranch in Austin.

Mower County Genealogy Society

The Mower County Genealogy Society met April 3, 2013, at the Austin Public Library. The meeting was opened by President Barb Langan, minutes were read by secretary Gene Noterman. In the absence of treasurer Carol Evenson, there was no monetary report. As it was the first meeting of the year, each member told of their research.

The Geneaology Society welcomed a new couple to the group, Jim and Mary Ann Butler. Originally from Austin, the couple has made its home for the last several years in Minneapolis. Jim gave an interesting story of his heritage. Gene mentioned his research has given him 57,000 names on one side of his linage as well as a number of books he has written.

The group shared in sorrow for the loss of its vice president, Colette Chaffee’s husband Richard. He shared a lot of history with the group, and enjoyed getting coffee with group members after the meetings.

The next meeting will be held on May 1 at the Mower County Historical Building in the fairgrounds.