Correction: Gay marriage opponents’ rally is Sunday

Published 6:35 pm Saturday, April 20, 2013

Gay marriage opponents will hold a rally at Faith Evangelical Free Church in Austin on Sunday, April 21, not Saturday.

Minnesotans for Marriage will stop by the church parking lot, 1800 12th St. SW, at 2:30 p.m. Sunday. An article in the Herald Friday gave the incorrect date for the event.

Austin is one of the last stops for the group, which organized a state-wide tour in response to a bill before the Minnesota Legislature that could legalize gay marriage in the state.

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“The gay marriage bill could come up for a vote at any time,” said Autumn Leva, director of governmental affairs and communication for Minnesotans for Marriage. “It stands poised to pass unless people act, and contact their legislators to let them know how they stand on the issue.”