Minimum wage hike among first Minn. bills

Published 10:37 am Thursday, January 10, 2013

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — A big jump in Minnesota’s minimum wage could be on the horizon.

Among the priority bills in the Democratic-controlled Legislature is a proposal to raise the floor wage to $7.50 for most workers at the bottom rung beginning in August.

That’s $1.35 more than the current hourly minimum that large employers must pay their employers. Smaller businesses, as defined by their annual sales, pay a lower rate but that would rise as well.

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The bill introduced in the state Senate goes further by making future increases automatic and linked to inflation. The minimum wage last went up in 2005.

Many minimum-wage workers in Minnesota automatically receive the higher federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour, although some workers such as babysitters, taxi drivers, nonprofit volunteers and others are exempt.