A spoonfull of music
Published 8:00 am Sunday, January 27, 2013

From left, Jerry Yester, Joe Butler and Steve Boone, three of the five original members of Lovin’ Spoonful. The group will play at the Paramount Theatre on March 2.
Lovin’ Spoonful to play the Paramount in March
Paramount Theatre officials may not believe in magic, but they’re hoping a band that does launches many high-profile artists to come. The theater will bring Rock and Roll Hall of Famers Lovin’ Spoonful to town Saturday, March 2, and Paramount executive director Jennie Knoebel said they hope to bring artists of their stature to town several times per year.
The theater will bring Rock and Roll Hall of Famers Lovin’ Spoonful to town Saturday, March 2, and Paramount executive director Jennie Knoebel said they hope to bring artists of their stature to town several times per year.
“It’s pretty exciting,” Knoebel said. “They had such good hits. Their hits are ones that people my age even know.”
Lovin’ Spoonful — which is known for hits like “Do You Believe in Magic,” “Daydream,” and U.S. chart-topper “Summer in the City” — was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2000. The band’s most-recognized musician and original lead singer, John Sebastian, is no longer with the group, but the five current members — Joe Butler, Steve Boone, Mike Arturi, Jerry Yester and Phil Smith — will all be at the Paramount. Butler, Boone and Yester were with the group inducted into the hall of fame.
The group’s sound blends folk and rock ‘n’ roll, with a little country thrown in, its website says. The group formed in 1965, recording seven studio albums before breaking up in 1969. Butler, Boone and Yester got back together in 1991 and have toured off and on since, the group’s website says.
While Knoebel will make a concerted effort to bring bigger artists to town, this one kind of fell into her lap. Arturi, the group’s drummer, lives in Red Wing, Minn., and contacted Knoebel out of the blue to see if they could play the Paramount. He said they hoped to put together a Minnesota tour, but according to the group’s website, they only have the performance in Austin and one in Red Wing on June 29.
“I think it will be a great show,” Knoebel said. “That’s the direction we’re hoping to head with our programming.”
While the Paramount will still feature local and regional artists and entertainment nearly every weekend, Knoebel said, they’re hoping to bookmark those with the bigger shows, and they already have a jump on the one after Lovin’ Spoonful. Country group Little Texas, with hits like “God Bless Texas” and No. 1 single “My Love,” will perform at the Paramount 7:30 p.m., Friday, April 26.
Both performances are a little pricier than Paramount enthusiasts are used to, at $35 in advance and $40 at the door.
“It is a higher ticket price, but these artists have much higher fees,” said Knoebel, adding that they’re selling a steady amount for Lovin’ Spoonful. That performance starts at 7:30 p.m. March 2. Tickets for both are on sale at paramounttheatre.org, at the Paramount box office, or by calling 507-434-0934.
Lovin’ Spoonful Top 10 U.S. Singles
1965 “Do You Believe In Magic” 9
1965 “You Didn’t Have to Be So Nice” 10
1966 “Daydream” 2
1966 “Did You Ever Have To Make Up Your Mind?” 2
1966 “Summer in the City” 1
1966 “Rain on the Roof” 10
1966 “Nashville Cats” 8