Have feedback for the city? Let ’em know

Published 4:27 am Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The city of Austin would like your feedback.

City officials are hoping more residents participate in a citizen feedback survey as the project draws to a close this week. Only 108 residents had completed the survey as of Monday night, according to city officials.

The survey deals with city services, and participants can rate how well city departments perform as well as residents’ overall perception of the city and its safety. The results will help council members and city staff know whether the city is meeting the needs of its residents and to find out from them how they could better serve the public.

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Austin residents are encouraged to visit the following website from now until Nov. 23: www.surveymonkey.com/s/2012austin.

Those unable to take the survey online may pick up a survey at the Austin Public Library or at the administration office in Austin Municipal Building. The survey should take about five minutes, and results will be available in mid-December.