Texts, car damage warrant charges

Published 12:18 pm Monday, August 6, 2012

Six months of alleged stalking and threatening behavior landed an Austin man in court Friday with seven criminal charges.

Chad Ryan Johnson, 35, was charged in Mower County Court with first-degree intentional damage to property and a pattern of stalking, both felonies, two gross misdemeanors for repeated stalking via call/text message and three gross misdemeanors for stalking with intent to injure.

According to the court complaint, the victim said she and the defendant were on bad terms, but Johnson would not stop contacting her. Johnson allegedly sent threatening text messages, one of which said to “Be careful …” among other remarks.

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While the victim talked with police, she said Johnson punctured one of her tires in December 2011. The victim said Johnson also keyed her car in June and caused $1,700 in damage and again slashed two of her tires on July 15, according to the complaint. An officer also said the tires appeared to be slashed.

Johnson denied the allegations when questioned by police; however, he allegedly admitted to the victim that he damaged her car and would not admit that to authorities. According to the court complaint, the victim recorded that conversation on her cell phone and showed it to police.

Johnson’s initial court appearance is Aug. 16.