Jack Jablonski Moves His Leg, Finger

Published 10:25 am Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Benilde-St. Margaret’s sophomore Jack Jablonski said Tuesday, May 29, that he was able to move a leg and a finger, something thought impossible after a paralyzing hockey injury in December.

Jablonski posted to Twitter: “Just slightly moved my left leg/ankle and left finger #bigday.”

According to his CaringBridge website, Jablonski spent Tuesday at Courage Center going through an assessment for a rehabilitation program.

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“Jack pulled off a few firsts,” the website said. “(H)e moved his left leg and ankle ever so slightly. He also wiggled his middle left finger. Needless to say, I’m thrilled that he gave me the finger, especially the left one because this has become his weaker side since the injury. Kind of tough for a natural born lefty.”

After his assessment, Jablonski was put into a harness to do some work on the treadmill.

“We weren’t sure if he’d be able to tolerate being in an upright position for more than a short while, but he did!” the website said. “With the help of Courage Center staff, Jack took his first steps in five months. It was a breathtaking moment and one that his mom will never forget.”

On Dec. 30, Jablonski was checked into the boards during a junior varsity game at the Holiday Hockey Classic in St. Louis Park. He was taken to Hennepin County Medical Center with a severed spinal cord at the neck and two fractured vertebrae.