BP golfers finish high in Blossoms Invitational

Published 8:30 pm Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Blooming Prairie Awesome Blossoms had a pair of golfers finishing in the towards the top of their own invitational Saturday.

Victor Peterson finished fourth with a score of 83 while Jon Hatch tied for ninth with a score of 89.

Hayfield’s Brady Becker was the Vikings’ top golfer of the day, finishing 13th with a score of 90.

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Ted King led the Lyle/Pacelli team with a two-round score of 100 even placing him 26.


Blooming Prairie: 4, Victor Peterson, 83; 9 (tie), Jon Hatch, 89; 15 (tie), Pat Jones, 93; 21 (tie) CJ Hein, 97; 27 (tie) Tommy Braaten, 101; 44, Jason Jirele, 116.

Hayfield: 13 (tie), Trevor Anderson, 93; 27 (tie) Nick Swanson, 101; 36, Parker Jacobson, 106; 39, Jacob Dahlen, 110; 42 (tie), Alex Schlichting, 115.

Lyle/Pacelli: 26, Ted King, 100; 27 (tie) Spencer Holtorf, 101; 37, Ben Aho, 108; 42 (tie) Thomas Marx, 115; 46 (tie), Collin Goldberg, 119,