No. 4 ranked Packer bowlers win two

Published 12:05 pm Monday, September 26, 2011

The Austin high school bowling team rolled to a pair of wins over Red Wing and Stewartville as it moved to first place in its conference in Red Wing Saturday.

Austin, which is ranked No. 4 in the state with a team average of near 193, lost the first game to Stewartville but won the next four and it won all five against Red Wing.

Collin Bailey converted all 12 of his fill opportunities on the day for the Packers, and Kody Phillips was 22-for-26.

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Austin def. Stewartville 146-215, 214-159, 182-138, 188-173, 173-157

Fill: Lucas Hegna, 3-for-4; Lauren Schabert, 4-for-6; Cole Kroneman, 7-for-10; Collin Bailey, 6-for-6; Elijah Rayman, 9-for-10; Kody Phillips, 8-for-10; Dan Gerlach, 3-for-4

Austin def. Red Wing 256-149, 136-135, 237-130, 158-128, 212-148

Fills: Lucas Hegna, 2-for-4; Lauren Schabert, 4-for-6 ; Cole Kroneman, 6-for-10; Collin Bailey, 6-for-6; Elijah Rayman, 7-for-10; Kody Phillips, 14-for-16; Dan Gerlach, 4-for-4