Five ’til Friday: ‘Big rendezvous’ in A.L.
Published 7:03 am Friday, September 30, 2011

The Bad Ax Clan, with families from Mankato, St. Peter and Hawkeye, Iowa gather at their camp site at the 2010 Big Island Rendezvous. -- Michelle Haacke/Albert Lea Tribune
For those who don’t normally head out of town for the weekend, now is the time. For entertainment, Albert Lea is gearing up, literally. A theater drama and fur-trading era reenactment will have people all dressed up, and it will have spectators all confused, too.
- “Doubt,” A Parable is holding performances tonight and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. in the Marion Ross Performing Arts Center and features an Austin director and actors. The show is $10 for students, and adults get in for $15. Unlike a lot of performances, “Doubt” is two and a half hours long. And get ready to think, as the gossip-filled performance aims to leave the audience making its own conclusions.
- Next, travel back roughly 300 years on Saturday and Sunday at the long-running Big Island Rendezvous in Albert Lea. Show up hungry at 9 a.m. each day for smoked turkey legs, kettle corn, buffalo meat, fry bread, homemade root beer and of course, a pork chop on a stick. Among the food, the two days will be packed with historic camps and reenactments. There are also several kid-friendly things to do, as well.
- October is already here, which means it’s Breast Cancer Awareness month. But if you thought the last month went fast, there’s something faster this Saturday night. The Chateau Raceway is holding its last race of the year, at which the Post Office is holding a pictorial cancellation for first-class mail recipients and introducing new breast cancer awareness stamps from 4 to 6 p.m. Hot laps start at 6 p.m.
- The Paramount Theatre will be overtaken by Spain this weekend — well, at least a touch of it. Flamenco dancer Deborah Elias will be accompanied by guest flamenco singer Vicente Griego and his soulful guitar chords for some whirling-dress action beginning 7:30 p.m. Saturday. Tickets are $14 at the door or $12 in advance. Students get in for $5.
- Many may not remember the tales of Peter Rabbit, but Sunday will be the first step to bringing those old tales back to life. Matchbox Children’s Theatre is holding auditions from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Paramount Theatre for 10-year-olds to adults for its upcoming presentation of “Peter Rabbit and Me.” Then, be patient; the show first showing begins Nov. 11 at the Paramount.
As we move into October, look for more church rummage sales, dinners, fall festivals, concerts and kids’ events. The Jay C. Hormel Nature Center is still chugging along with events, and will host a Halloween warm-up next week for the youngsters. The Izaak Walton League will have another cookout/fundraiser on Oct. 5, and the Paramount is bringing in some non-traditional music, where spectators can jam out to the electric … violin?
Look to reporter Matt Peterson’s column every Friday for more about upcoming events in Austin. For even more, check out the calendar on Page 4 every day in the print edition and the homepage.