Old West Re-enactor shoots three tourists

Published 1:06 pm Tuesday, July 12, 2011

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) — Authorities say a mock Old West gun battle participant in South Dakota who wounded three tourists by firing live ammunition instead of blanks has served more than five years in Minnesota prisons on multiple felony convictions.

South Dakota law says that a person convicted of a felony in South Dakota or another state cannot possess or have control of a firearm for 15 years.

The 49-year-old man has not been charged in the June 17 incident.

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The Dakota Wild Bunch re-enactors had performed the mock gun battles several times a week in Hill City, a tourist town in South Dakota’s Black Hills.

Pennington County prosecutor Lara Roetzel says state prosecutors are letting the U.S. attorney’s office review the case for potential federal charges before proceeding.