Make roads safe
Published 11:08 am Monday, June 6, 2011
Daily Herald editorial
With school out and warm weather finally here, motorists need to take special care to avoid the kind of tragic and random accidents that are inevitable when pedestrians, bicycles and fast-moving motor vehicles mix.
During the school year, traffic patterns are predictable. During the summer, however, children in particular are out and about on their bikes, walking and chasing balls in utterly unpredictable times and places. It means drivers need to keep a special watch to avoid putting those children — and themselves — in harm’s way.
The warm months, when bicycles — and not just those driven by children — fill the streets are a particularly good time to avoid the bad habit of glancing at cell phones while the car, truck or van is in motion.
A little extra attention will go a long way towards making sure the summer is safer for everyone.