No downside to voter ID

Published 3:08 pm Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Letter to the Editor

Charles Mills, Austin

We will hear from the Democrats that Minnesota election law is excellent; we have no fraud, etc. They focus on the number of felons who voted and claim there are no records of people double voting. What they miss is this: Minnesotans can register to vote on Election Day and don’t even need an ID to prove who they are. They complete a voter registration card, check the box that they are a citizen (no proof required) and are allowed to vote. Their ballot goes into the ballot box and their vote is counted.

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After the election, postcards are randomly mailed to the names and addresses of same-day registrants. In 2008, depending on who’s counting, 17,000-38,000 of those cards were returned to cities, counties, and towns across the state – “no such address, no such name.”

Who are these people? Why were they allowed to vote?

A photo ID will stop this abuse of a system originally designed to help.

The real questions are: Why is the ACLU fighting a photo ID? Why are Democrats so insistent it’s not needed? Why is Secretary of State Mark Ritchie so concerned about it?

When you have 17,000-38,000 who voted who cannot be found, just exactly what is going on?

A photo ID system lends credibility, integrity and security to a voter registration system with too many holes. If you vote absentee, you must provide identification – when you register on Election Day, someone can vouch for you – that is, you need no ID.

What are we telling non-citizens when they discover they can vote without proving citizenship? We are telling them the law doesn’t matter. Reminder, the foundation of our freedom depends on the Rule of Law – if people come here to escape the systems in their home nations and discover the law here can be abused, that is a bad sign.

State Representative Jeanne Poppe, DFL-Austin, said, “I will not sign it.” She argued that ID is already required earlier in the voting process.

Poppe also said “the League of Women Voters, which I’ve been a 25 year member of, does not support the voter ID process because we do not need it.”

Every time someone votes that is not legally eligible to vote is stealing a vote from someone who is eligible. Theft is theft and stealing an election is a most un-American criminal act.