Teacher shows profession’s strength

Published 11:03 am Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Letter to the Editor

Dean Bishop, Austin

I would like to thank Herald reporter Trey Mewes for the fine article in Wednesday’s paper regarding Austin High School teacher Josh Dumas on his brilliant work in hydroponics. This young man, after only three years of teaching, presented his lab and genetics lessons at the National Science Association’s annual conference. Kudos to you, Josh. You are one creative dude.

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This should lay to rest any efforts at replacing our current system of teacher preparation with the so-called “alternative teacher licensing,” proposed by our omniscient members of the Minnesota Legislature (most of whom have never taught in a classroom).

The whole idea of bringing in mid-career professionals outside the educational establishment to “show us how it’s done,” to “save our public school system” or to “close the achievement gap” is a downright slap in the face to our current teachers, young and old, who are already doing the job successfully. They don’t need outside “help,” thank you.

Minnesota does not have a teacher shortage, therefore it does not need alternative teacher licensure. There are plenty of college-trained teachers eagerly waiting in the wings to take on the challenge of educating our youth.

Nor is our statewide school system incompetent or weak. Look at where our state stands when the ACT rankings are published each year.

Austin Public Schools are blessed with seasoned and proven educators who do not need to take a back seat to anybody. Mr. Dumas is convincing proof of that.