Census data opens redistricting
Published 10:21 am Thursday, March 17, 2011
The release of census data will allow the Legislature to forge forward with redistricting plans, as well. Rep. Jeanne Poppe, DFL-Austin, serves on the Redistricting Committee and said the next move is to begin drawing a redistricting map.
Although legislators hope to have the map done and approved by the governor by the end of the 2011 session, Poppe said the deadline isn’t until February of 2012.
“It will, for the 2012 election, be drawn differently so when people are up for election they may be representing a changed district than they currently have,” she said.
She also said DFLers like herself are hoping the Republican-chaired committee is open to suggestions from democrats.
“The map drawing will probably be more directed by the Republicans,” she said. “I’m hopeful the DFL will have a chance to weigh in.”
“There shouldn’t be protection of incumbents when you’re looking at a redistricting map,” she added.