Oh, the drama

Published 5:00 pm Saturday, March 5, 2011

Neveln Elementary fifth-grader Kassidy Tabor puts her face through exercises while following along with the Pushcart Players Friday afternoon during the touring groups seminar. - Eric Johnson/photodesk@austindailyherald.com

Elementary school students took on new personas across the district Friday. They changed into horrific monsters, beautiful damsels and funny-looking dwarfs.

Students from Pacelli, Southgate and Neveln Elementary Schools took part in theater workshops held by the Pushcart Players, a youth theater troupe from New Jersey that performed “Happily Ever After … A Cinderella Story,” Saturday at the Paramount Theatre.

Neveln Elementary students follow along with Megan MacKenzie Lawrence and the Pushcart Players as they lead them through stretching exercises during a seminar Friday at the school. - Eric Johnson/photodesk@austindailyherald.com

“We’re very lucky,” said Neveln Principal Dewey Schara. “The price is right. All of the actors are also educators.”

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As students gathered around actors and actresses at Neveln Friday afternoon, some didn’t know what to expect. When they all marched around in a circle, practicing the way happy, sad and angry people walked, it was apparent they were having fun.

“Pushcart is really dedicated to … bringing educational theatre to students.” said Tricia Burr, one of the actresses who works for Pushcart. “We’re shaping the audiences of the future.”

The Pushcart Players are a nationally recognized group that often puts on workshops for students wherever they play. While the group is done in Austin for now, they’ll be traveling to North Dakota and Wisconsin before going back to the East Coast in a couple weeks. The lessons they taught Austin students, about moving around, getting in character and making sure the audience can see them, won’t be forgotten soon.

Melody Moore, a member of the Pushcart Players, gets Neveln Elementary students ready for their tableau, a freeze frame from a story that other students had to guess, during a seminar Friday afternoon. - Eric Johnson/photodesk@austindailyherald.com

“We’re very lucky to be in Austin so close to a theater that helps gives back to the community,” said Nikki Krautbauer, Neveln music teacher.