VIDEO: County clips King, Oscarson
Published 7:00 pm Saturday, January 15, 2011
“All right, let’s get ugly,” said Steve King, as he made his way to a makeshift barber’s chair Friday.
Thanks to county employees, King and County Coordinator Craig Oscarson, were getting their heads shaved.
King, who is Mower County’s correctional services director, challenged county employees to raise $1,000 more than last year in their fundraising campaign for the United Way.
Apparently, many wanted to see the two men bald because the offices raised nearly 50 percent more than last year’s total, giving the United Way more than $7,200.
King has coordinated efforts in Mower County to raise funds for the United Way for the past four years.
“(We’re) just trying to motivate people to give a few dollars out of their pockets,” he said.
King sent a mass e-mail that said Oscarson would shave his head if they met the goal.
But Oscarson was not given any forewarning. King said he asked himself, “What does Craig care if I send out an e-mail and tell everyone he’s going to shave his head?”
“I thought it was a joke at first,” Oscarson said.
However, he was quick to agree and even pitched in some of his own money.
And because Oscarson doesn’t have much on top, King said it was either the eyebrows or the goatee that had to go, too.
“He’s very protective of the goatee,” King said.
More than 40 locals watched as King and Oscarson went under the shears. “Was it easier on the top?” King jokingly asked, as Oscarson only has hair on the sides.
County employees Janne Barnett and Donna Welsh were the stylists. For the finale, they pretended to put shaving cream on both men’s heads. After about a minute, the men realized they had been painted.
“That wasn’t supposed to be part of it,” King yelled.
Both Oscarson and King enjoyed themselves throughout the whole process. And King said Oscarson has been a great sport throughout everything.
Oscarson joked about his bald spot. “Maybe this time it will all grow back.”
Although the county office didn’t raise as much as some other local organizations, the increase from last year is significant.
“Not many campaigns have that huge of an increase,” United Way Administrative Assistant Melissa Riles said.
King hopes to raise more money for the United Way each year.
For information about the United Way or how to donate, call 507-437-2313.