Business takes fix-it approach
Published 8:25 am Monday, October 18, 2010

Jonas Morehouse, sitting, and Shon Olson have recently opened PC Services which focuses on web development and computer-related technology. - Eric Johnson/
Shon Olson and Jonas Morehouse have a common background and vision.
After years of working in the IT field, the two are now joining forces as co-owners of Austin PC Services.
While their new business has within the last few weeks been located to a more visible position at 108 Oakland Ave. W, the two have been working together since June.
Mainly, their company offers services relating to technological repairs of any kind. With such a broad range of services, the two often end up fixing items ranging from ipods to computers.
They also provide set-up services for computer systems and will fix any problems relating to computers.
“You’ve got to have that inquisitive aspect to you,” Olson said. “You have to enjoy working with things that are broken.”
Considering Olson and Morehouse both enjoy doing just that, they see their new business as a perfect fit.
They also know they can work together. The two previously were co-workers at an Albert Lea business. After the company downsized, they found themselves both out of work and competing for the same limited jobs open in the area. In the end, they decided to join forces and create Austin PC Services.
“We decided to pool our efforts and make our own jobs,” Morehouse said.
Within the first few months of business, the two said they’re working on building their clientele base, which includes both residential and small businesses. The advantage to their business, they said, is that there’s always at least one person on-hand in the office to take calls and help out, if needed.
For more information on Austin PC Services, 507-433-2727.