Residents given options when paying for sidewalks (with video)

Published 3:58 pm Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Austin residents can now have sidewalk repair costs tacked onto their property tax instead of having to pay the cost out of pocket.

The sidewalk assessment resolution passed at the City Council meeting Monday evening by a vote of 7-0.

Click here to view video relating to the city council's sidewalk decision

The City of Austin previously conducted large-scale sidewalk repairs, which gave residents no other option than having the cost added to their property taxes. This program has not been in effect the last few years due to budget cuts; therefore, residents have been forced to pay the entire cost of sidewalk repairs and have not been able to have them added to their taxes instead.

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With the new sidewalk assessment procedure, property owners must initiate the request for an assessment if their sidewalk is being repaired. This saves the city and property owner an assessment hearing process, allowing the project to be completed quicker.

Each sidewalk panel costs about $100, and repairs can range from needing one panel to needing 10 or more, depending on the location of the property. Residents living on the corner of a block may need more panels since they have more sidewalk surrounding the property.

Property owners are also allowed to spread the cost of the maintenance over several years to lessen the economic impact. Public Works Director Jon Erichson said the policy allows for the city to determine the maximum time period for payment on a case-by-case basis, with 10 years being the absolute maximum.

The new assessment policy does not apply to property owners whose sidewalks are already being repaired, Erichson said.

Council Member-At-Large Janet Anderson said the new assessment process will be a good thing for Austin residents.

“I do think it will be a positive thing,” Anderson said. “It gives people an option to replace sidewalk sections without it being an immediate out-of-pocket cost for them. It’s a safer sidewalk for you.”