Mower County Fair 4-H rabbit show results
Published 6:00 pm Saturday, September 18, 2010

From back, left: Blake Kruse, Tyler Amicks, Elizabeth Hill; front: Luke Risius, James Bigelow, Josh Hill, Gerri H Schrom, Kristine Schechinger, Kayline Schechinger and Tim Farrell show their awards from the Mower County Fair. - Photo submitted
—Colton Allen, champion Fryer
—Bailey Anderson—best of breed Mini Rex, best four-class rabbit, best in show, champion first-year exhibitor
—Blaine Anderson—reserve champion junior poster, champion first-year junior showmanship, champion junior skill-a-thon, junior interview winner
—Levi Anderson—reserve champion Fryer, champion meat pen, best six-class rabbit, reserve six-class rabbit, champion Californian, reserve champion Californian
—Catrina Andree—reserve champion first-time exhibitor, champion agility rabbit—Butterscotch
—Elizabeth Benson—reserve champion junior showmanship
—Justin Bergemann—reserve champion intermiediate showmanship, reserve champion intermediate skill-a-thon
—Miranda Bergemann—champion junior shomanship, champion Polish

From left: Lizzy Wolterman, Alexis Kruse, Kristine Schechinger, Ben Farrell, Blaine Anderson and Lisa Stundahl show their winning posters from their 4-H projects at the Mower County Fair. - Photo submitted
—James Begelow—reserve champion first-year showmanship, reserve champion junior skill-a-thon, junior interview honorable mention
—Noah Carroll—reserve champion Polish, reserve champion other small breeds
—Ben Farrell—senior poster honorable mention, reserve champion senior skill-a-thon, champion Netherland Dwarf—blue at State Fair
—Tim Farrell—intermediate interview winner, rereserve champion Holland Lop, reserve champion Netherland Dwarf—blue at State Fair
—Elizabeth Hill—honorable mention, intermediate showmanship, blue ribbon — State Fair
—Josh Hill—honorable mention junior showmanship
—Sam Hulst—honorable mention intermediate skill-a-thon, purple ribbon Havana — State Fair, interview call back winner—State Fair
—Kristine Iverson—reserve champion advanced showmanship, honorable mention senior interview
—Abby Jewett—champion intermediate showmanship

The winners in the rabbit agility contest show off their trophy-winning rabbits: from left, Catrina Andree, champion; Alexis Kruse, honorable mention; Bryer Kruse, reserve champ. - Photo submitted
—Emma Jewett—reserve champion senior showmanship, honorable mention senior skill-a-thon, honorable mention senior interview
—Alexis Kruse—champion junior poster, third-place rabbit agility — Chestnut
—Bryer Kruse—reserve champion senior poster, reserve champion rabbit agility—Blue
—Laura Meany—reserve champion mini rex
—Jacob Mueller—champion intermediate skill-a-thon, blue ribbon Mini Rex—State Fair
—Julie Mullenbach—honorable mention junior showmanship
—Abby Rossow—honorable mention intermediate showmanship, blue ribbon Dutch—State Fair, interview call back winner—State Fair
—Kayline Schechinger—champion senior showmanship, honorable mention intermediate interview, purple ribbon Rex—State Fair
—Kristine Shechinger—honorable mention junior poster, honorable mention junior showmanship, honorable mention junior skill-a-thon

The rabbit show winners pose with their winning rabbits at the Mower County Fair: Levi Anderson, best six-class; Bailey Anderson, best four-class and best in show; and Lisa Stundahl, reserve show. - Photo submitted
—Lisa Standahl—champion senior poster, champion advanced showmanship, champion senior skill-a-thon, champion senior interview, reserve champion meat pen, champion and reserve Havana, champion Holland Lop, champion and reserve Rex, reserve champion four-class, reserve in show, blue ribbon Rex—State Fair, fourth-place showmanship —State Fair