Barrow show draws a crowd

Published 8:06 am Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Marissa Shute of Austin, 3, shows her Chester barrow in an initial judging Monday at the National Barrow Show. She is the youngest member to show at the 64th annual event. --Matt Peterson/

Competitors from all over the U.S. came to Austin Saturday, Sept. 11, through Monday, Sept. 13, to show their barrows in the 64th annual National Barrow Show.

Seventeen senior college teams with 128 members, 13 junior college teams with 107 members, and 210 4-H and FFA members entered the event. Members ranged from novice, junior, intermediate to senior. The different classes showed many breeds such as Berkshires, Crossbreds, Durocs, Hampshires, Landraces, Poland Chinas, Spotteds, White Chesters and Yorkshires.

Several competitors from Austin were present, too. Among them were two of the youngest competitors, including three-year-old Marissa Shute and her sister, Cassidy, 5. The sisters each showed several different barrows.

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The National Barrow Show is held at the Mower County Fairgrounds every year during the late summer. To see all of the 2010 contest results, go to