EDITORIAL: A task half completed
Published 10:00 am Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Lawmakers and the governor deserve some measure of thanks for passing a state budget more or less on time. But their work still left much to be desired.
Like every compromise, the one struck at the last minute of this year’s legislative session — or, rather, just after the last minute — is likely to please almost no one. Politicians on both sides are working this week to put a favorable spin on their efforts, but the unshakable realit is that there are major problems with the spending plan as passed.
The major cause of these problems is that, once again, lawmakers and the governor pushed meaningful action to the last minute. It may seem, to those involved, that deadline pressure produces better work. But the reality is far different. When a deal must be hammered out under pressure it is seldom as carefully considered as it ought to be.
Give the state’s leaders a grade of “half complete” for this year’s work.